With the aim to build the best flybarless system at affordable price, MAXX flybarless unit is
designed with most advanced MCU gyro and 6-axis sensors to deliver best performance and full
features at the price everyone can afford. Designed by a team of pilots with years of experience
and tested by best pilots in the world, this MAXX flybarless system not only brings affordable
flybarless units but also the most innovative product to the market.
Vibration Resistant :
MAXX Flybarless System uses newest technology sensors with very high sample rate, high
resolution and low thermal offset drift. The flybarless unit is extremely vibration resistant and
very stable flight for any helicopter size.
The MEMS sensor inside the Maxx FBL can read 4 to 16 times faster with extremely low noise.
So it is capable of analyzing and eliminating high frequency vibrations.
Also for that reason, the sensor inside the Maxx FBL is capable of upgrading to a GPS autopilot,
it is capable of detecting the smallest moving in the air.
Not only that, it makes your servo always controlled with the least noise signal.
Fast respone from sensor:
It reacts quickly and corrects the smallest movement of your heli to provides smooth and stable
control. So the tail and cyclic direction is very good under all flight conditions, more power tail
Simplified Setup:
Easy setup with MAXX Software. Customers can use mLink port for connection to MAXX
setupcard and MAXX ecosystem in the future.MAXX flybarless system brings a feeling of good flying with the default setup, reducing the first
setup time. Especially the new tail control algorithm offers good tail control with default setup on
all helicopter kits.
Ability to change tail gain on the transmitter (CH5) and on MAXX software (P-I-D gain).
Advance Setup:
Ability to customize Cyclic, Tail PID gain according to more flight styles and mechanical
difference of each helicopter. You can separately setup the gain of elevartor and aileron. Maxx
has supported Servo throttle 760us now, only setup by programs card.
Bank manage: The Maxx has 3 Cyclic, Rpm banks memory allows you to set 3 flight modes
PWM, PPM , DSM2/DSMX Satellite, S-Bus Ready , SRXL, X-Bus B, Ex-Bus , UDI and
MaxxBus receiver .
Dual Satellite Port:
The MAXX flybarless has Dual Satellite Port providing more reliability for large helicopters and
long range flights, ability to BIND by MAXX software or program card.
Built-in Electric and Nitro Governor:
MAXX active governor can throtle compensation , it calculated according to cyclic, collective,
tail, RPM and other status of Flybarless units. It offers very stability in RPM and more powerful,
more efficiency with no effect to the tail.
The RPM is set exactly the RPM value for each Bank.
Nitro Governor: MAXX flybarless supports Governor for Nitro Helicoper, using magnetic RPM
sensor connect to RPM in pin of unit. Minimum 7 chanels on transmitter is required for Nitro
Governor. The throtle chanel is set up to V-shape for fast respone. RPM is decided by CH7
(AUX2) channels on TX to trigger the Bank, setting and not decided by throttle chanel.The Maxx supports 760us throttle servo
.Electric Governor: Use RPM wire output of Esc or RPM sensor connect to RPM input pin .
Minimum 6 chanel transmitter is required for electric governor. You can use 760us for throttle
Event Logging and High sample rate Vibration logging:
The memory of unit stores data of 5 last flights.
Event logging: Time of Radio signal, motor run/stop , BEC voltage drop
Vibration logging : Ability to review the vibration level when flying by graph form on the MAXX
AutoTrim Piro:
No more manual adjust for swashplate. With MAXX flybarless, there is no need to spend a lot of
time to balance the swashplate. The software can detect unbalance of swashplate in piro hover
flight and autotrim the swashplate. It can function correctly even in high winds.
Rescue mode is activated when the helicopter tilt angle is over threshold degrees with ground
and have event Gyro gain (CH5) value drops from high to below centre value (1520us). The
helicoper will automatically flip back then automatically increase the height. Within 3 seconds the
rescue mode will exit.
With advance accelerator sensors our MAXX flybarless system has the most accurate calculation
for most accurate rescue. This saves a lot of crashes and a great tool for beginners to learn to
Example: CH5 on Tx is 35% for flight, so you should be set CH5 on Tx is -35% (or 35% normal
mode, not AVCS) for rescue mode , reaction of the tail will not change.Drop Radio Signal Indicator:
The LED light on the MAXX unit will blink if detecting more than 50ms radio signal loss. This can
be viewed in table Logger in the MAXX software.
Bec Drop Detector:
Nowadays, servos are very strong and getting stronger, many crashes are due to weak BEC or
bad connection. With MAXX flybarless, there is no more worries about this. Introducing an
innovative feature: BEC Drop Dectector that helps prevent many crashes. MAXX flybarless
keeps reading voltage of BEC continuously before and during flight, if BEC is weak and voltage
drops over 0.5V, the red LED on MAXX flybarless unit will double flashed to inform pilot the
problem. The problems are also logged and viewed in table logger in MAXX software for
LowBec setting: It is only checking at startup. If the BEC is below the voltage threshold have
been set the heli can’t fly, the start up process is not completed.
Ability to GPS upgrade: Compatible with Maxx GPS addon board to add barometer, compass
turn Maxx FBL into auto-hover, Return to Home for sacle heli and soft 3D trainning.
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